let’s Review our classics for a successful return! The stage directors appear to have given the word: from Molière to Feydeau, passing by Marivaux, the writers of the directory are at the party. Served by solid headliners. Another wave of substantive hits, acclaimed yesterday to the screen, and today brought on the boards, as custody , the Elephant Man , Palace or Seven year itch . Review non-exhaustive.

• “Don’t listen, Ladies!”

Michel Sardou and Lisa Martino. Celine Nieszawer

like Feydeau, a safe haven, Sacha Guitry and his Don’t listen, Ladies! , created at the Théâtre de la Madeleine under the Occupation. Because “the marriage, is to solve two of the problems that you would not have had alone” , the piece starts with this advice to the gentlemen: “ Don’t get married. ” Advice in full knowledge of cause: Guitry was married five times… It is Michel Sardou, retired from the song, that will return in the title role of the more misogynistic of our feminists. The excellent …

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