Mark a milestone in the national day celebrating our heritage theatre. This July 14, , The Hotel of Free Trade will be free of charge, at the Comédie-Française. To take advantage of this opportunity, meeting you at 13h, one hour before the show, in front of the peristyle of the salle Richelieu. The distribution of places will be by order of arrival. Not sure that there is enough for everyone…
A Vaudeville tasty
The opportunity to discover or rediscover this classic of George Feydeau, written in 1894. «Safety and discretion! Hotel of Free Trade, 220, rue de Provence! Recommended to married people… together or separately!» When Madame Pinglet, outraged by this ad, the bed to her husband – who has to give appointment to the wife of his neighbor and associate, Mr. Paillardin – neither the one nor the other does not imagine yet all will find there unexpectedly the following night… The synopsis does not pay a mine but between misunderstandings and humor vaudevillesque, Feydeau signs here one of its greatest success.
» READ ALSO – Georges Feydeau, this maniac of engineering
The staging of this comedy in three acts is ensured by the actress Isabelle Nanty ( Visitors ), who saw in this hotel, «a doll’s house cup where everything happens simultaneously in the face and as a behind-the-scenes». Side actors Anne Kessler, Michel Vuillermoz, Christian Hecq, and Florence Viala, to name only a few, will lend their traits until the 25th of July to these characters all the more extravagant one than the other.