The crash of the CDU and the SPD continued in the state of Hesse. Is to help the two Koalitionären? Or the concept of the people’s party is at the end? In the case of «Anne Will» was discussed and diagnosed. Of the AfD, thank you–! – for a change, hardly the speech, more of the Green. The high-Flyer to experience a «moment of hype» (Anne Will) or they are simply the state of the art party?

the participants in The discussion and their main quote Olaf Scholz (SPD), Vice-Chancellor and Deputy party Chairman: «The sayings, now you have to make everything completely different, no one can hear.»Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer (CDU) General Secretary: «We have the task to make it better – in government and in the party.»Robert Habeck (Bündnis 90/die Grünen), party Chairman: «We give Green the reality appropriate, radical responses.»Christian Lindner (FDP), party Chairman and parliamentary group Chairman in the Bundestag: «We rule.»Christiane Hoffmann, Deputy head of the «mirror»-capital office: «The Greens have become a little Hard, Hard to something Soft.»Hans Vorländer, a political scientist: «The dissolution of political parties must not be a bad development.»So the discussion

How helpless and knocked out, you can be? With petrified expressions Annegret Kramp-karrenbauer, and Olaf Scholz, the us geological survey in the landslide-low of their parties there were, and brought only trivia on the lips. «As it is, can’t go on», barmte the CDU General Secretary. And Olaf Scholz caught by Anne Wants to start a click. As the Minister of Finance lamented that no one of interest for the contents, snapped: «Then you should tell the content so that you are interested in.»

Provisional official final result Bouffier could go on – but the Greens have all came in the Hand-DPA

a Lot more from the losers. They were seem to be bleaching, extras for a quite entertaining cut and thrust between Robert Habeck, and Christian Lindner, the zofften in terms of content – but human-to-understand purposes quite well. Lindner sided Habeck with the attribute «creamy», what brought the Green-Chef on the palm («Why is ‘creamy’, why not ‘reasonable’?»). Even more enraged Habeck but the Lindner-Diss, the Green are «climate-nationalists». Habeck in Duz-mode: «you Can take the time, we produce a lot of brown coal for electricity?» The current height of the flight of the Green Habeck wrote on the one hand, the «weakness of Others» – but also the private party model: «We are a Mix of radical analysis, visionary power and pragmatism in the implementation.»

opinion of the future of the Grand coalition Why the Hesse-choice does not leave all at a loss Of Dieter Hoß scene of the Evening

It is often that it takes Christian Lindner of the language. Anne managed to get the FDP-chief for a Moment to the Silence. After a one-player, with Lindner’s much-cited Jamaica-cancellation («It is better not to reign than to govern badly») she asked: «Are you the father of the green’s success?» Lindner first perplexed, then unimaginative: «The question is put to me to play with it.»

the findings in the thesis a «binding timetable» to the mid-term review of the coalition, the SPD had called for Chairman, Andrea Nahles on election night. Olaf Scholz founded the initiative so that the coalition contract «as the policy would not have been enough». Robert Habeck countered: «people expect policy. What woman Nahles is technology.»Christian Lindner is one of the reasons for the poor state of the Grand coalition, the CDU and the SPD, treat each other with no success. «A government is only successful when all partners are able to make your points.»»Mirror»journalist Christiane Hoffmann advised the SPD indirectly, to leave the government: «It is not for the SPD salvation in this coalition.»While Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer «work on the cohesiveness as a people’s party» wants to see the political scientist Hans Vorländer the people’s parties in Europe in a process of Decay. «The societies have become more diverse.»»The migration of critical rate of Horst Seehofer in Bavaria, as little as the Merkel-friendly rate of Volker Bouffier, Hesse,» said Christiane Hoffmann. Their diagnosis: «The CDU has a personnel Problem». Hans Vorländer informed the evaluation: The CDU need a renewal, even and especially at the top.Of a suffering, the other Freud: The Green, Vorländer, be unburdened by the infighting in Berlin. «This is the premium that you are once.» In addition, they are faced with their ideologically unencumbered policy in the midst of environments that were for some time in resolution.Conclusion

Bickering, frotzeln, a first-name basis: The collegial riot between Robert Habeck, and Christian Lindner, the discussion of specific, varied between canteen chit-chat, and Jamaica-to explore. As Habeck said, the Koalitionären one piece of advice to give («Send Seehofer home, that would be a Start.»), rebuked him Lindner: «it’s nothing.» Habeck: «Let me finish!» And Lindner: «You talk a lot, Robert!» Running between the Two.