Swiss scientists have expressed surprise about the nature of the coronavirus

Swiss microbiologist, said that doctors around the world have made mistakes in the fight against coronavirus.

As the portal to the American Academy of medicine for life extension, ex-Director of the Institute of immunology of the University of Bern Beda Stadler is confident that the seasonal coronavirus similar to the virus that caused the common cold, which mutates and disappears in summer.

the Doctor thinks that asymptomatic carriers do not exist — these people have immunity to the pathogen COVID-19, and to infect others they can’t. In confirmation, the scientist gave evidence that the new coronavirus have had less impact in those areas of China where previously there was the outbreak of the SARS virus that caused SARS.

Also, the researcher gives as an example the research of German scientists. According to him, at 34% of the inhabitants of Berlin without a history of coronavirus, identified acquired immune system, which respond to T-cells. This means that these cells, finding a SARS-CoV-2 a similar structure with the causative agents of the common cold, fight with him, said Stadler.

«Now the virus is gone. It may be winter, but it will not be a second wave, and seasonal. Young and healthy people who now wear masks, it would be better to wear a helmet, because the risk that something will fall on their heads more than the risk of serious infected with a coronavirus,» said Stadler. And in winter, «people will still get sick, and can wear masks to show others what they have learned from this pandemic,» concluded the scientist.

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