Safronov in Moscow prison

the adviser to the head of «Roscosmos» Ivan Safronov, who was arrested on charges of treason, he spoke about his health and life in jail «Lefortovo».

In his words, he «began to receive orders from the prison stall — toothbrush, razor.» «Life is getting better in General», — said Safronov in the interview to an observer «MK», lavastuses him under arrest.

Safronov also said that he had received many telegrams and letters. «Write colleagues, comrades, strangers to me from all over the country, even from the Urals. I answered them all. Only over the weekend wrote a letter 71,» admitted a former journalist.

health Safronov’s not complaining. A local doctor, as it turned out, even helped him — «right back». «The vertebrae back into place with a crunch. So it’s all good», — said Safronov.

a Former journalist and adviser to the head of «Roscosmos» Ivan Safronov was arrested and detained until September 6. The FSB believes that he was recruited by the Czech intelligence service in 2012 and gave her secret information.

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