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We all sometimes like to eat something not very healthy, but delicious. However, some foods should still be completely excluded from your diet. To be healthy and full of energy, you should not only exercise, but also monitor your diet.

If you have just started your journey in proper nutrition, then for sure it can be hard for you and there is no good mood at all. But Razor Spark slot for free will always easily and quickly boost your mood with fun gambling. Well, we are starting to figure out which foods are most harmful to your body.

Dry Cream

At first glance, it may seem that this powder, which makes your morning coffee much tastier, is completely harmless, but this is a big misconception. The fact is that vegetable fats (palm or palm kernel oils), as well as preservatives and food additives, are used for the production of dry cream. From a medical point of view, such a composition is potentially dangerous for the body, these ingredients are carcinogens, i.e. they can provoke cancerous tumors. Also, doctors do not recommend using dry cream with a predisposition to allergic reactions.

Coffee Drinks

Such recently popular coffee cocktails have a disastrous effect on the body. The amount of sugar and other sweeteners in drinks is simply off the scale. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the recommended sugar allowance is 25-50 grams per day, with any coffee cocktail you will get more than half of this measure in just one serving. The consumption of such an amount of sugar increases the risk of death from cardiovascular diseases twice, and also leads to the development of liver diseases, insulin resistance, and pancreatic cancer.

Dried Fruits

The benefits of dried fruits seem undeniable. But the problem is that now the production has reached the industrial level, and, to increase the shelf life, fruits are processed with preservatives and other chemicals. Despite assurances about the safety of using chemicals, these substances can irritate the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract.

Fruit Juices

The amount of natural sugar contained in juices overshadows all the possible benefits of drinks. For example, sorbitol, which is contained in fruits such as peaches, pears, cherries, and apples, provokes indigestion and diarrhea. Also, due to a large amount of sugar, teeth, liver, kidneys and other organs come under attack.


Vegetable smoothies rich in vitamins and trace elements are now on the wave of popularity, but the use of these drinks carries a danger. For example, oxalic acid contained in many green vegetables (you can find it in beetroots, bananas, and any greens), in combination with calcium gives oxalate, which harms the kidneys, oral cavity, and gastrointestinal tract, and also interferes with the absorption of iron and calcium. The use of green smoothies can contribute to the development of attacks of gout, osteoporosis, kidney disease, and rheumatic arthritis.

Energy Drinks

In the modern frenzied rhythm of life, energy has become an integral part of it. They help to cheer up quickly and, importantly, deliciously. This is where the benefits of drinking energy drinks end. Huge doses of caffeine and sugar contained in just one serving have a long list of side effects. For example, the use of energy drinks can cause: migraines , increased blood sugar levels, sleep disorders, increased blood pressure, and disruption of the cardiovascular system. It is worth noting that several deaths caused by the use of energy drinks have been registered.


A cheap substitute for butter is still very popular, although the harm of margarine has long been proven. Margarine is trans fats that do not allow the process of assimilation of important fatty acids to take place, as a result, there may be such consequences as sexual disorders, high cholesterol in the blood, and weakening of the immune system. The use of margarine and a large number of trans fats can contribute to the development of atherosclerosis, diabetes, and concomitant obesity, as well as cancer. Some European countries have banned the use of trans fats.