When the emotion is too strong, the French love to seek refuge in the literature for a consolation, or to better understand our world.

The emotion aroused by the fire that has ravaged, Monday 15 April, the roof and part of the roof of Notre-Dame de Paris is reflected in the sales of books. Less than 24 hours after the event, the first eighteen places of the barometer of Amazon, which lists the upward trends of sales, are occupied by works in connection with the monument, note the magazine Livres Hebdo .

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After the attacks, November 13, 2015, Paris is a feast , Hemingway, was of all manifestations and on all the walls of Facebook – the sales were also gone in no time. Just like The Treatise on tolerance of Voltaire had been used as a symbol after the attack against Charlie, and the shop, Hyper Kosher. The universal Declaration of human rights enriched by 32 young illustrators had taken the same path. This short book edited by the Oak, home specializing in fine books, had reached 200,000 copies in a few weeks.


After the tragedy that has hit Notre-Dame de Paris, these are the novels or the essays that evoke, directly or not the cathedral that are snapped up in a bookstore as to find a trace of what has been one of the most beautiful monuments in the world. Moreover, the president of the Republic has he not uttered the word «literature» a few hours after the incident. «This is our history, our literature, our imagination, the place where we have lived all our great times,» he said.

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The professional magazine Livres Hebdo has identified the books which, today, are out of stock or being reprinted. «At the very top of the list is the version pocket revised and expanded, the classic of Victor Hugo, Notre-Dame de Paris (Pocket, 2013), also leads the ranking of the best sales of the Amazon website. The beautiful book Notre-Dame-de-Paris, grace cathedral («Place des victoires/Cloud Blue, 2012), figure in the fifth position, two places ahead of the guide Paris Notre-Dame (Editions heritage, 2014) prepared by the general heritage curator Thierry Crépin.»

The Victor Hugo novel, the Book of pocket and in Pocket (in the public domain), was in the first two places in the Top 50 of the best sales on the merchant’s website, all types and formats. «Six of the ten top selling books were either the classic novel is a book about the building,» stresses Livres Hebdo .

For the moment, it is too early to have reviews weekly, but in all the bookstores, in Paris or in the provinces, the novel Notre-Dame de Paris is claimed.

» check out our special issue dedicated to Notre-Dame de Paris