Ella & Pitr will still hit. Known for their the giants of several thousands of square meters languidly lying on roofs, fields, facades throughout France, they deposit this time their bombs in Paris to beat a record: the largest fresco of urban Europe, on the roof of the pavilion 3 of the Paris-Expo Porte de Versailles. Once completed, it will be visible from the roof terrace of the pavilion 7.

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The duo has wanted to do a work that is not «comfortable and warm, as often these decorative frescos on the buildings that follow the effects of mode and question seriously about the future of street art». The advanced Ella & Pitr depends on the weather conditions, but the Parisians should be able to judge by Monday 10 or Tuesday 11 June.

Armed with sprayers in hand, protected by combinations, the two street artists are helped by many volunteers to cover 2.3 hectares of surface that they are reserved – the size of four football pitches. Already faint outlines of a gigantic old lady. At the end of the project, it will be represented, serene, eyeing the tumult of 2×3 lanes of the adjacent device. The mural, entitled what we eat this evening? And what time will it be tomorrow?

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» Ovid the giant «. St Etienne, France. Thanks to all the kids for the drawings. #ellapitr #school #sleepinggiant #floor #giantdrawing #fromthesky #drone #sky #ecoledesovides #stetienne #floor #art #landart #urbanart #pitrella #ouloulou #tie #aerial

A publication that is shared by °° ELLA & PITR °° (@ellapitr) June 1, 2018 at 2 :01 am PDT

from Saint-Étienne, Ella and Pitr, 34 and 37 years, compagnonnent on the roads of France since 2007. Recognized in the world of street art, they have been selected by Viparis, the operator of 9 event venues major of Greater Paris, including the Paris Expo Porte de Versailles. In another register, the pavilion 6 will host in two years the largest urban farm in Europe, as well as a bar in «rooftop», for swinger at the top of the «device'».