The verdict of Kokorin and Mamaev will begin to review 17 Jun

the Moscow city court meeting on 17 June will begin a review of the conviction is known to the players Alexander Kokorin and Pavel Mamaev, convicted of two fights. This was reported by press Secretary of the court Ulyana Solopova.

According to her, reports the Agency «Moscow», the meeting will begin at 10:00. Second, the court of cassation overturned earlier appeal the verdict and sent it on new consideration in Moscow city court.

the Court sentenced Mamayev to one year and five months in prison, and the brothers Komarinyh to one year six months in prison each.

the Fight that the players went to prison, took place on 8 October 2018. Then friends in the company beat the driver of the presenter on the street and two officials in the cafe.

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