the Number of unemployed in Russia increased in April to 4.3 million vs. 3.4 million in March. This is stated in the materials of Rosstat.
According to the statistics service, an increase in the number of unemployed in April 2020 in annual terms (i.e. by April 2019) amounted to 21%, as compared to March 2020 and 23.4%.
From this it follows that the unemployment rate in April was 5.8% of the labour force. This is the highest figure since April of 2016.
Meanwhile, earlier Vice-Premier of the Russian Federation Tatyana Golikova has resulted in different figures. She said that in Russia there are 1 million 665 thousand officially registered unemployed.
According to the survey «Levada-center», which was held in April, a quarter of Russians (25%) experienced delayed payments of wages and redundancies (26%). Almost a third of respondents (32%), in the family which is involved, replied that they personally or their family members have already touched upon the problem of reducing wages.
Recall that April 2020 in connection with the spread of the coronavirus pandemic was declared by the President of Russia outside and preserve for the employees salaries, however, as a result of quarantine restrictions, the incomes of Russians fell, many were sent on unpaid leave, and some was dismissed.
To support citizens who lost their jobs due to a pandemic crisis, the government increased the maximum size of the unemployment benefit to the level of the minimum wage (12,13 RUB thousand), This led to an 80% surge in the number of officially registered unemployed in the employment centers: the 1.3 million people in April against 727 thousand in March 2020, follows from the data of the Fes. In April, the unemployment benefits received by 1.1 million Russians, reminds RBC.
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