A dozen of us.

Twelve residents of Krasnoyarsk, who returned from the United States, after the statutory two week quarantine is stuck in the Novosibirsk Observatory.

according to the NHS, citing published in the channel «Borus» the appeal of Krasnoyarsk citizens to its Governor, Viktor USS, the signatories believe that the government forgot about them.

the Team noted that their neighbors in the Observatory — residents of Tomsk, Omsk and Irkutsk regions and the Altai territory — have brought to their regions, but 12 of the natives of Krasnoyarsk Krai, including families with children and elderly people, remain in the Observatory. Citizens write that some of them need special diets, others run out of drugs.

«Help us return to Krasnoyarsk and spend the rest of the statutory quarantine homes,» the statement says. They don’t know, they just «forgot» or Krasnoyarsk, the Agency consciously decided not to care about the residents of the region.

In a press-service of the Governor and government of Krasnoyarsk Krai, said that «the issue is under elaboration at the Ministry of transport in conjunction with the regional Rospotrebnadzor». Other information edition from the agencies was not achieved.

Stories about how you tried to get help from the Russian state in terms of coronaries and what came of it, email it to COVID-19@rosbalt.ru