A Muslim told me how believers celebrate Eid al-Fitr

Eid al-Fitr is celebrated to mark the end of fasting month of Ramadan and the meaning of the rites in Union with other needy Muslims and the worship of Allah. About it the correspondent «of Rosbalt» was told by the Chairman of the local religious organization of Muslims of St. Petersburg «Mecca» Rinat Valiev.

«the Believers are fasting in order to feel yourself how hard is it to needy people from other countries, such as Somalia, where many don’t see food and can’t provide for themselves and their family. Thus, the Muslim is conscious of the need to support others, to feed, to provide funds for food, accommodation,» — said about the meaning of fasting Valiev.

According to him, the believer, however, should always remember this, and to support them and members of other religions.

«today, for Example, from one o’clock till 20:45 we don’t eat, don’t drink. From fasting only nursing mothers in need of treatment people. We Express our loyalty and devotion to Allah and, as they say secular people on their skin to feel, how to live poor» — said Valiyev.

He noted that in the days of Eid al-Adha, Muslims usually go to each other’s homes, set the table, cut the sheep, provides fruit, vegetables. Welcome these days, and donations to the poor and needy.

we Add that the Eid al-Fitr this year falls on may 24. In Petersburg mass celebrations canceled because of the new type of coronavirus. The mufti of the Spiritual administration of Muslims of St. Petersburg and North-West region the rest of the faithful to stay during the holidays at home.

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