there will be a stage, an audience, a troupe, of the applause and can-be happy: a play paris as the other. The detail that everyone will be naked. The ice Palace, in the Xe arrondissement is open for a piece that claims to be «the first representation naturist in a large parisian theatre». It is true that it does not run the streets. Nu and approved , directed by Pascale Levyn, will be played on 20 January at 20: 30 in the great room.

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Everything will be under the sign of naturism. The subject of the piece: it will be dealing with humor of the conflict of a brother and sister who find themselves owners of the bungalow hotel located on a naturist beach. One think to sell, the other discovered a passion for the practice. To attach the action to the word, the actors will be naked as worms.

Without exception, the spectators in the room of 482 seats will also be in the most simple device. A towel is still required. Question of comfort or discretion? The site does not specify. Of the locker room and one hour of preparation time are expected to welcome and put at ease by the public.

nudists the more affluent will be, at a price of 58€ per person, offer with their place a towel microfibers. That will allow them to return to their homes, not having to rub after a shower. They will also be able to penetrate behind the scenes and meet after the performance the troupe led by Marie Crapanzano and Fabrice Pannetier.

The organisers know the comic effect that a show naturist can create. On social networks, they inform the audience with derision that «the costumes have arrived». Of course, we’ll never see the color. Or recall that they do not need to come already negligees, dressing rooms are at their disposal.

Nu and approved was created in partnership with Naturism TV, a media dedicated to the practice, and with the support of the French Federation of naturism and the Association of naturists of Paris.

naturism appears in Paris

In the capital, the nudists want to abandon the practice of the frames of the vacation and the beach. And change attitudes on the conduct of Adam and Eve. The last year was «historic,» according to the Association of naturists in paris. It list his success. In particular, the space of naturist in the wood of Vincennes open the weekends of June 2018. Hundreds of people were doing yoga on the lawns. In may 2018, the Palais de Tokyo has organized a visit to nudist of the exhibition Discord, daughter of night . The clubbing there are also. Last June, the Point Éphémère, on the banks of the Seine, has organized an evening completely nude on the electro sound. Before, the queue was long.

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Only downside, O Natural, the adventure of the unique restaurant naturist of the capital is almost stop due to lack of clients. «Most nudists practice especially in the holiday centre», said a devotee, who does not see the need to bring the nudism in Paris. The high prices may have discouraged some. The hotel is located in the Twelfth district will serve its meal again until 16 February. Of what to celebrate Valentine’s day the most sensual.