in a museum In Belfast, dressmakers with wires glittery red and gold brought these last days the final touches to a huge tapestry, designed to pay homage to the series phenomenon «Game of Thrones».

Long of 90 meters, this tapestry wants to be the story embroidered the eight seasons of the series médiévalo-fantastic tour to Belfast and the global success, which tells the story of families fighting for ruling the fictional world of Westeros. The sections of the tapestry, representing the first seven seasons are already completed. Once the eighth is finished, the work will be exhibited in France in September alongside the famous Bayeux tapestry, in which she imitates the style and tells the story of the conquest of England in the Eleventh century over 70 metres of embroidery.

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«A tapestry is above all a great storytelling tool,» says Valerie Wilson, curator of costumes and textiles at national Museums Northern Ireland. «The length of the tapestry allows the story to unfold. It is therefore in many ways the ideal medium to tell the story of the project «Game of Thrones»». If the tapestry has mostly been woven to the machine, it took two years to 30 volunteers to embroider the finish: the red of the blood in the scene of the Wedding with purple, the emerald green of the Greek fire, or the icy blue of the Walkers are White, all key elements in the imagery of the saga.

A visual result so successful that the museum does not recommend the visit to minors.

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