short Hair giving off a face-structured, black boots, bare legs, in a chemise of silk slate colour, Aglaé we receive. It hides its eyes behind black glasses, decorated like those of a little girl, before unveiling his eyes to the glare of steel. It is together that Jean-Michel Rabeux and Claude Degliame have collected about a woman, a prostitute lucid, a woman who has always had to fight and who still lives and works in Marseille, france.

In an environment that is unnecessarily sophisticated, an installation-based tubes of neon (we’re hot in the tiny room) and stools, the actress, as courageous and powerful as the way that it relays the truths, is, as always, very impressive. It is cru and dru. This shakes. But Aglaé as his interpreter have a lot of impertinence, of malice, of mind. We laugh a lot, beyond the bottom tragedy of a life a little tied up. What a theatre!

«Aglaé», at the théâtre du Rond-Point. 2 bis avenue Franklin-Roosevelt (Eighth).
Tel.: 01 44 95 98 21. Hours: of the mar. at the sam. at 20: 30, sun. at 15: 30.
Until 30 dec. (excluding the 25th). Seating: from 16 to 29 €.