
AI-Powered One Biosciences is using artificial intelligence to analyze cancer cells in search of innovative treatments. The biotech company has partnered with the Institut Curie, AP-HP, and Gustave Roussy to examine their data using AI technology.

The mystery of why some cancer patients’ tumors resist treatment while others respond remains unsolved. One Biosciences, a French start-up founded in 2020, is working to unravel this mystery by analyzing individual cancerous cells using artificial intelligence. The ultimate goal is to develop new treatments for patients who do not respond to current therapies.

Recently, the company established a partnership with Gustave Roussy Institute to access anonymized data from patients with bladder cancer. They will closely examine the cells from these tumors using their single-cell analysis platform.

«In a cancer tissue sample, there are healthy cells and cancerous cells,» explains Hedi Ben Brahim, CEO of One Biosciences. By sorting and analyzing thousands of cells, the company aims to identify patterns that could lead to breakthrough treatments.

By harnessing the power of AI and innovative technologies, One Biosciences is at the forefront of cancer research. Their collaboration with leading institutions in France underscores their commitment to revolutionizing cancer treatment and improving patient outcomes.