All newborns in Russia has decided to test on COVID-19

All newborn children in Russia should be tested for novel coronavirus infection. This is stated in the recommendations of the Ministry of health. The test should be conducted immediately after birth.

Also in the recommendation it is said that analysis is required if the mother or have contact with a child was confirmed as a coronavirus, or suspected, or if the newborn was admitted to the hospital with suspicion or confirmation of infection COVID-19.

we will Remind, on may 25, chief freelance specialist in obstetrics and gynecology, Ministry of health of the Russian Federation Leila Adamyan explained that the coronavirus is not transmitted from a sick pregnant mother to child. «Like mother protects her child, if she has even a positive COVID-19, child sterile, he is born healthy,» she said. According to Adamyan, the newborn might get sick after the child has contact with mother and others. The specialist said that in Russia there were more than 2 thousand pregnant women with a coronavirus.

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