To each house of sales, its balance sheet in the first half, before the summer. As always, the ads differ, some giving amounts with or without VAT, other with or without the «after sales» or even, with sales outside France, as for Artcurial in Monaco. Despite these differences, which distort the comparison, the results show a trend in the lineage of the past year.

» READ ALSO – The collection of the earl and countess of Ribes sale at Sotheby’s in Paris

Sotheby’s, which took over in 2018 to its title as the leader, remains at the top of the podium, with 123 million euros («after sales» VAT not included), with 17 auction millionaires. The house has multiplied the success in contemporary art (32.6 million euros, of which 13.3 per collection Nahon), design (16.2 million euros) and in the first arts with the sale of the collection Marceau River (11.5 million euros, of which 4.7 for a mask baule, Ivory Coast). Not included in its figures, the results of RM …

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