can you spot the difference between a «cushion» and a «pillow»? Between a «glove» and «mitten»? Not? And yet, there are many! The nuances of the French language are such that what may appear as a synonym is in fact not one.

A «store» in the case, is not a «shop». Or a «trash», a «shopping cart». The gap semantics is not so obvious, you say? Take care! Because, in some cases, a word is used incorrectly, it can make you say the opposite of what you wanted to express. A «murder» is nothing like a «murder». The first refers to an act undertaken by an apprentice in the field. A murder, gets him ready, prémédite.

The French language is full of nuances. Do you know them? Le Figaro proposes to you, thanks to the book A small drawing not to take a camel for a camel (Robert) Sandrine Campese, do the test.