In Minsk on Thursday night began releasing from prison people who were arrested during protests in recent days. In social networks and opposition Telegram channels appear a video in which people tell about the behavior of security forces after the arrest.

In particular, the girl told witnesses that her and detained her along with other girls «beat ten men», was put on his knees and stripped, threatening to «put in a circle». Other detainees were told that they were forced to sing the national anthem of Belarus and were beaten.

according to eyewitnesses in social networks, gathered outside the jail released activists met with applause, but they are asked not to do, because, according to them, prison employees react to the applause and shouts outside, again beating those who still remain under arrest. Also in social networks report that some detainees were led from prison by ambulance.

Recall the day on Thursday, the interior Minister of Belarus Yury Karaeu issued an apology to «bystanders», who during the protests, «got under distribution». He called the perpetrators of the arrests of the organizers of opposition rallies.

In Belarus the fifth day of protests against the results of voting in the presidential election that took place on August 9, and against violence of security forces. Across the country people take to the streets and create a «chain of solidarity». According to official data of the CEC, the elections were won by Alexander Lukashenko: it is the election Commission has counted more than 80%, and his rival from the opposition Svetlana Tikhanovski — only 10%. However, witnesses and observers reported fraud in the areas. She Tikhanovski said that scored at least 70%, and the results of voting are forged. The day after the election, she left Belarus and now is in Lithuania. There are massive protests, they are accompanied hard by arrests, beatings of protesters and attacks Sylowikov on passersby and cars. Injured several hundred people, there are victims.