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the Ten largest airlines in Russia in the I half of this year have reduced transportation by 99.4% yoy, due to restrictions imposed to combat the spread of coronavirus infection COVID-19. This was stated today to journalists the head of Ministry of transport of the Russian Federation Eugene Dietrich.

thus, according to him, «Aeroflot» more than «hard» situation in comparison with other airlines, as «strategy, which «Aeroflot» have chosen for themselves, there will be a separation of the group and the company «Aeroflot» will be engaged in a greater degree of international transport», reports TASS.

As the Minister said, the carrier even before the pandemic began to implement this strategy.

Recall that last month, the group of «Aeroflot» has reduced the carriage of passengers by 94% yoy to 305,6 thousand passengers. In January—may of the current year, the group carried 11.7 million passengers, which is almost twice less than in the same period last year.

In the company of such data had previously explained the «dynamics of demand and significant flight restrictions associated with the spread of coronavirus infection in the world,» and «stop regular international flights, restrictions on movement in Russia and fears of passengers to make flights influenced the decline».

let us also Add that last week the value of the shares of «Aeroflot» significantly declined for several days in a row on the background information on a possible additional issue. Reuters, citing sources reported that the government is preparing a rescue plan «Aeroflot» through foreclosure of its additional shares by the government and VTB Bank. According to one source, «Aeroflot», which is 51.2% owned by the state, will release an additional issue in the amount of 80 billion rubles.

information about the issue at that time has not been confirmed, but for investors it is negative, but the fundamental influence is mixed, analysts have noted GM BCS.

meanwhile, on 17 June, the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation Igor Krasnov said at a Federation Council meeting that «Aeroflot» was forced to reduce ticket prices after joint inspection of the state office of public Prosecutor and Federal Antimonopoly service.

According to him, the reason for the inspection were complaints of citizens to the growth of tariffs for air transportations carried out by this airline. As a result, «Aeroflot» started to sell «up to 80% of the seats below cost,» said Krasnov.

the Company is also required to form tariffs for monopoly routes according to the principles applicable to a «competitive lines».

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