the Investigation Committee opened a criminal case against an employee of Rostekhnadzor, working at CHP-3 in Norilsk, where recently there was a major oil spill, which eventually fell into the local river.
As the representative of SK of the Russian Federation Svetlana Petrenko, chief state inspector of the Department of mining and General supervision of the Norilsk industrial area of the Yenisei control Rostekhnadzor Elena Novozhilova suspected negligence.
According to investigators, in November 2017 and December 2018 Novozhilov held the scheduled inspection of CHP-3, but did not check the emergency tank and did not reveal that it companies do not have positive conclusion of examination of industrial safety. In 2019, the RTN received a conclusion of examination of industrial safety, where were the drawbacks to be overcome, but not Novozhilov began an unscheduled inspection of the object.
This, according to the RF IC, eventually led to the destruction of the warehouse and more than 21 thousand tons of oil products with multi-million dollar damage to nature.
Recall that on may 29 CHP-3 of the company «NTEC» (included in GC «Norilsk Nickel») depressurized the tank with diesel and it resulted about 21 thousand tons of fuel, which fell into the rivers and soil. Charged with violation of rules of protection of the environment by manufacture of works was submitted to the chief boiler-turbine shop CHP-3 of JSC «NTEK» Vyacheslav Starostin. Also arrested was the chief engineer of CHP-3 of JSC «NTEK» Alexei Stepanov, Deputy Yuri Kuznetsov and Director of the company Pavel Smirnov.
Earlier on Tuesday it became known about excitation of new cases of violations of environmental protection in Norilsk, the damage from which is estimated in the amount of more than 154 million rubles. Under version SK the Russian Federation from June 2017 to July 2019 unidentified employees of the Zlatoust branch of OJSC «MMC «Norilsk Nickel» and JSC «Mechanosensing» in the design and construction of the facility size.edenia waste production Talnakh concentrator committed violations that result in untreated sewage were discharged into the river Tomolo and on the ground outside of the mine «October». According to Rosprirodnadzora, the damage to nature subject to reclamation exceeded 154 million.
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