
60 Millions de consommateurs recently released their recommendations for choosing fruits and vegetables with low pesticide levels. This information is important for consumers looking to make healthier choices when shopping for produce. The study revealed that many fruits and vegetables in France are contaminated with pesticides, including some that are banned in the country and the EU.

It’s not just fresh fruits and vegetables that are affected, but frozen ones as well. The study analyzed a wide range of products, such as peas, mushrooms, avocados, melons, salads, carrots, tomatoes, pineapples, apricots, and raspberries, whether they were fresh, frozen, or organic. A total of 134 products were tested for up to 600 potentially present molecules, including pesticide residues.

The results showed that over half of the samples tested had no traces of pesticides, while others contained up to 31 different molecules, mainly fungicides used to combat fungi but can have health impacts on humans. However, the levels detected were all below the maximum residue limits set by European regulations.

Among the fruits and vegetables analyzed, pineapples, tomatoes, and button mushrooms stood out for their almost complete absence of residues. Organic produce also fared better in the study, with significantly lower contamination levels compared to conventional products. For example, conventional frozen green beans had an average of 2.5 fungicide residues, while organic versions had only 0.1. Frozen products were found to be the most frequently contaminated, with raspberries being the most contaminated among them.

The study also identified four types of residues banned in France and the EU in one or more product categories. This includes carbendazim, a fungicide banned for 10 years but found in 14 products like green beans and peas. Additionally, two proven endocrine disruptors, linuron and iprodione, were detected in some products.

Based on these findings, 60 Millions de consommateurs recommends avoiding frozen non-organic raspberries and green beans due to potential contamination. Instead, they suggest opting for certain brands and types of produce that are considered safe, such as certain peas, sliced Paris mushrooms, certain carrots, and specific brands of tomatoes, raspberries, apricots, and pineapples.

Overall, it is essential for consumers to be aware of the pesticide levels in the fruits and vegetables they consume and make informed choices to minimize their exposure to harmful substances. By following these recommendations, individuals can prioritize their health and well-being when selecting produce for their meals.