No major change this week in the charts. The untold story of Blake and Mortimer-reviewed by François Schuiten, The last pharaoh , is at the top of the pad since now seven weeks. The young adventurers of the parallel world Alysia followed suit, for the third consecutive week. Darkhell , the dark wizard of the saga youth Legendary created by Patrick Sobral, is the subject of a prequel. Associated with the author, Orpheelin back on the past of the villain recurring theme of the series.
The girls and their vagaries of daily life are still all the people, Jurassic Grandma , the sixteenth volume of the series Mortal Adele , which recounts the adventures of the little plague favorite of most young people, intruding in the third place, followed by the fourth component of the Books of Esther, story of my 13 years , signed Riad Sattouf.
A single novelty, and not least, the adaptation in comic strip of the series phenomenon of Netflix, Stranger Things. The first volume, the other side , published on 4 July, provides from the outset an honourable fifth place.
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A unique history, which casts a new light on the first season of the saga. For memory, it sets the stage for the young Bill Byers, a prisoner of the monster Demogorgon in the «upside down world», a parallel dimension terrifying.
the Best sales from 08 to 14 July (exclusive leaderboard GFK/Livres Hebdo):
1) The Last Pharaoh, an adventure of Blake and Mortimer , François Schuiten, Jaco Van Dormael, Thomas Gunzig and Laurent Durieux, Editions Blake and Mortimer.
2) The Legendary: the chronicles of Darkhell volume 1, Ténébris , Patrick Sobral and Orpheelin, editions Delcourt.
3) Mortelle Adèle, tome 16, Jurassic Grandma , Diane Le Feyer, Mr Tran and Mercy Fir, éditions Bayard Jeunesse, collection Globulle.
4) The Books of Esther, book 4, Stories of my 13 years , Riad Sattouf, Allary editions.
5) Strangers Things, volume 1, on the other side , Jody Houser, StefanoMartino, Keith Champagne, editions Mana Books
6) The adventures of Laink & Terracid volume 2 , Wankil Studio, Michel Lafon.
7) Back on Aldebaran, volume and episode 2 , Leo, editions Dargaud, Leo, editions Dargaud.
8) Bug, volume 2 , Enki Bilal editions Casterman.
9) Mortelle Adèle, tome 1, it will end badly , Miss Prickly, Mr Tran, éditions Bayard Jeunesse, collection Globulle.