The scene evokes The planet of the apes . The chairs in the green leather of the House of commons do not welcome, as usual, the butt of the 650 mps in the british, but that of chimpanzees. The work is signed Banksy. His name? Devolved Parliament («the parliament of the decentralized», in French). The gigantic canvas of the street artist is exhibited in the museum of Bristol since Thursday, the eve of the supposed «Brexit» – Day.

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«The table is the largest of the artist on canvas», specify the officials of the museum in a press release. They add that the work, presented in the framework of the 10th anniversary of the exhibition «Banksy versus Bristol Museum, which attracted over 300,000 visitors in 2009, will be exhibited for five months in the hometown of Banksy.

«It is we who will be at the controls,»

The mysterious artist, has relayed a photo of her painting on Instagram, with the caption «Laugh now, but one day, it is we who will be in control». A phrase often associated with monkeys in his work, that hides nothing of his feelings vis-à-vis the Brexit. And still less of the manner in which the mp manage the file.

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. Devolved Parliament I made this ten years ago. Bristol museum have just put it back on display to mark Brexit day. . “Laugh now, a goal that one day no-one will be in charge.”

A publication that is shared by Banksy (@banksy) on March 28, 2019 at 7 :41 PDT

Friday, the day originally fixed for the Brexit, the uk Parliament rejected for the third time the text of the agreement negotiated between Theresa May and the european Union, shifting the cut-off date of exit from the EU on 12 April. Our neighbours across the Channel may be leaving «the 27» without agreement to the new maturity date. During the vote, thousands of demonstrators protested in front of the palace of Westminster, denouncing the «treason» of the policies.

* check out the infographic by Figaro of the possible scenarios for the Brexit.