«there’s a new party in the procedure, which is the trust», said the presidency of the court of Nanterre, near Paris. The November 30 hearing, expected to decide the jurisdiction of the French court concerning the inheritance challenged Johnny Hallyday, has been postponed to 22 march.

The trust JPS – Jean-Philippe Smet, the real name of the rocker comprises a part of the property of the star since his death in December 2017. It is managed by Bank of America and Laeticia Hallyday, the widow of the singer, is the sole beneficiary. On 25 October, a subpoena has been issued by the lawyers of the children Hallyday, Laura Smet et David Hallyday, to the bank, which manages JPS.

» READ ALSO – Laura Smet et David Hallyday require the freezing of royalties on the disks of their father

«The will of the trust is to be put in possession of the whole property, said one of the lawyers of Laura Smet, Emmanuel Ravanas. It is therefore necessary that the manager of the trust (Bank of America) be a party to that it can be positioned on our demands, (…) today it is not because we don’t know who he was at the start.»

The elders Hallyday, David and Laura, are challenging the will of their father, written in July 2014, under the empire of the california law. It bequeaths all of the property of the singer to his last wife, Laeticia, and their two daughters, Jade and Joy.

To David and Laura, the estate of their father should be subject to the French rules, namely one-quarter of the deceased’s estate to his last wife, and 3/16th for each of the four children. For its part, Laeticia Hallyday request that the French court declares itself incompetent for the benefit of american courts.

» READ ALSO – Succession of Johnny Hallyday: bounce legal in California

In total, the heritage of Johnny Hallyday, who died on 5 December at age 74 died of cancer, would represent tens of millions of euros. It is composed of properties, luxury cars and treaty rights of 1.160 songs.