Cosgrave: Every day at Petersburg discharged pokrovskuju hospital and then upload again

every day in St. Petersburg issued 650-670 people and as many new patients sent to city hospitals. About it on air of TV channel «Saint Petersburg» said the first Deputy Chairman of cosgrave Andrew Saran.

«Today, the city currently has 11.5 thousand beds in 21 hospital. Almost all operate at maximum load — we have a few days in a row write home to 650 people, and the same hospitalization. Roughly speaking, every day we write pokrovskuju hospital and immediately downloaded her,» explained Saran.

He said that every 10-12 days all restructured hospitals of the city updates the composition of patients. The peak load on emergency falls on Mondays and Fridays, and lowest on the weekend.

«We believe that we are dealing with a peak incidence after the may holidays, when all people took to the streets. If two weeks ago, the average hospitalization was 200-300 people, now 650-670. And all — with pneumonia,» said the official.

According to him, it is planned to open the second part of the hospital № 20 under davidnyc patients and part of hospital No. 15. The discovery also prepares the body in «Lenexpo» on 474 beds — at the moment the authorities are considering the question of transfer of staff of the Nikolaev hospital to run.

Earlier, the «Rosbalt» wrote that the hospital «Lenexpo» will open 5 more pavilions for patients with COVID-19.

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