Degtyarev ahead of schedule stopped powers as a Deputy

the state Duma has ahead of schedule stopped powers as a Deputy Mikhail Degtyarev, the correspondent «of Rosbalt».

Powers Degtyarev, who was elected to the state Duma from the liberal democratic party, is proposed to be terminated early on the basis of its written statements in connection with his appointment temporarily fulfilling duties of the Governor of the Khabarovsk territory. In the state Duma Degtyaryov headed the Committee for physical culture, sport, tourism and youth Affairs. Now this post will take the Deputy from LDPR Boris Paikin.

Earlier, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree appointing Degtyareva for the post of the acting head of the Khabarovsk territory. Former Governor Sergei Furgal was dismissed in connection with loss of trust.

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