«Mel, sit down I’m talking to you». Mélanie Georgiades said all Diam s. It is the questions and answers in an interview with the magazine Paulette . The ex-rapper 38-year-old spell, exceptionally, of his silence to wait on the end of his career. It also tackles the theme of spirituality in an article entitled «It was a faith».

» READ ALSO – Diam’s: «I am French, I am muslim and I am distraught»

«I want to take you on winding roads than I have trodden in my travels at the end of the world but also in this journey to the bottom of my heart for you to understand what I was moved, I was upset, and that brought me back to life», she wrote at the time of the release of his aubiographie. A book, simply titled Autobiography . A book released in September 2017, which traces his childhood, his rise to fame and plunged into a deep depression.

Account instagram of Mélanie Georgiades

After you have put an end to his career in 2012, Mélanie Georgiades is back on her «light years», which she does not keep that good memories. «There is also the sense of being as cracked from the inside, to be a puzzle divided into an infinity of parts, who are desperately trying to take shape. As if your soul was crying out for help and that, to be cured, she claimed anything other than the antidepressants, » she explains to the women’s magazine.

» READ ALSO – Diam’s talks about her conversion to islam

indeed, Diam’s has evil lived its years of glory. In 2008, after a «crisis of madness» , the singer admits to being «on the verge of killing himself or making a big stupidity». She spent over a month in a psychiatric clinic. The artist will have a painful awareness. «I was a free agent who was looking actively for happiness without knowing that I could find that in myself», she wrote in her autobiography. Bruised, the interpreter of Confessions nocturnes takes still more of the stamps and flirting with the medication overdose.

«My chains are broken»

This is ultimately the religion, she says, that helps to see more clearly in his life. A conversion to Islam is perceived as a life-changing brutal by his fans, who did not understand his sudden change. In an open letter, she will be speaking on this spiritual choice: «My faith is not committed as me (…). It has been said of me that lost, I took refuge in religion. In this word, I felt contempt, the face of the one who is dark and then found his way.»

» READ ALSO – Diam’s: «I liked the rap because it was brutal».

Diam’s has surprised a good portion of its fans in September 2012, when it is displayed with a veil during an interview with «Seven to Eight» on TF1. A conversion to islam, since 2008, that the singer does not regret. «People see me as a crank under the influence of a guru, but what they don’t know, this is the number of books I’ve devoured on the subject of religion, and that I have a lot enlightened», she explains to the magazine Paulette .

And when she questions his relationship to religion, she recognizes that «faith is fear». «It destabilizes our prejudices, it makes us wonder about our origins deep ; it raises questions that can weaken the certainty the more embedded,» she says in the same magazine.

A woman in full bloom

Away from the music and show business, Diam’s has built a more peaceful life. Mother of a small daughter of four years old, she said to finally feel fulfilled: «Being a mum is the profession the most fascinating in the world! But it is a role that I feel so strongly». She would live today Medina, saudi Arabia, from 2017, according to his girlfriend singer Vitaa. But does not specify in this interview.

directed at Diam’s, Mélanie Georgiades draws this conclusion: «You look happy. I don’t use it any more now?» Before concluding: «If, of course, we need our past to move forward, to understand our successes and our mistakes. You are, and you will always be like the first pages of the book of my life, but I must continue my journey now. A road that I hope to be full of meetings and sharing … In cha Allah…»