Died Petersburg politician and scientist Vatanyar Yagya

a Meeting of the St. Petersburg Parliament on 17 June began with a minute of silence in memory of the Deputy of Legislative Assembly 1-4 convening Watanabe Yajna. Honored worker of science of the Russian Federation and St. Petersburg state University Professor, died June 17 at age 81.

«In all the years he found time for active academic activities, brought up whole generations of St. Petersburg Orientalists. Their knowledge and talent, he actively applied for the extension of international relations of the Legislative Assembly, the conquest of the city Parliament of high authority in the world community. Vatanyar Saidovich Yagya distinguished for their cordiality, kindness, a great sense of humor, deep integrity and true St. Petersburg intelligence», — said the speaker Vyacheslav Makarov.

Vatanyar Yagya from 1991 to 1996, he was chief Advisor to the mayor of Petersburg Anatoly Sobchak. Since 1994 held the position of Executive Secretary of the speaker of Parliament Vyacheslav Makarov. Yagya was engaged in research and teaching and chaired the Department of world politics school of international relations St. Petersburg state University, was a Professor, doctor of historical Sciences.

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