Doctors have called ten "harmless" habits — factors in the development of cancer

Some habits can trigger the development of cancer, doctors warned.

first, you should stop Smoking — cigarette smoke contains over 4 thousand toxic substances, and many of them are carcinogenic. Most studies have shown that those who quit Smoking before age 40, reduce the risk of premature death by 90%. Alcohol, in turn, increases the risk of six cancers — of the mouth and pharynx, larynx, esophagus, colon, liver and breast in women. Do not abuse solar baths, because the damage to cells is cumulative. You must protect the skin with sunscreen and once a year to visit a dermatologist. It is particularly harmful artificial tanning — it can increase the risk of developing melanoma by 20%. Excess weight disrupts hormonal and immune systems, which can cause cancer of the breast, colon, endometrium, esophagus, kidney and pancreas, warned at the American Association for the fight against cancer. According to the experts, 7% of all cancers in the U.S. are associated with obesity. Also harmful to inhale the exhaust gases of cars with diesel fuel. Walking in places with polluted air increases the risk of lung cancer. Processed meat in the form of sausages, frankfurters, ham and bacon can cause cancer of the intestine. Just 50 grams of processed meat, eaten daily, increases the chances of getting cancer by 18%. Frequent flights are threatened with breast cancer, and melanoma. The thing to ionizing radiation at altitudes above 10 km and a constant disturbance of circadian rhythm in connection with the change of time zones. Liver cancer can cause aflatoxins they produce fungi affecting corn, peanut and hazelnut trees. The person gets these toxins by eating contaminated peanuts or meat from animals which were fed contaminated feed. Finally, unprotected sex is fraught with infections in the future could lead to the development of cancer — in particular, the human papilloma virus, which led to throat cancer the actor Michael Douglas.

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