It’s a small revolution in the world of real estate, in line with the energy and climatic needs of the time. From this Wednesday, August 24, owners renting accommodation classified F or G, according to the method of calculation established by the energy performance diagnosis, the DPE, will have to carry out energy renovation work if they want to increase the rent of their goods. This is the implementation of the first phase of the «Climate and Resilience» law, adopted in August 2021.
This measure applies to both empty and furnished accommodation and concerns new rentals as well as renewals. In short, it aims to ensure that the owners concerned undertake work as quickly as possible.
According to the Energy Renovation Observatory, there are 5.2 million very energy-intensive dwellings out of 30 million, or 17.2% of the French housing stock. If we take into account second homes and vacant homes, this total even reaches 7.2 million. The study published last July by the ONRE indicates that the characteristics of the dwelling and the method of heating are the cause of poor energy performance. An old and poorly insulated building easily becomes an «energy sieve», and this all the more so as its surface area is large. The method of heating is also essential, 44% of dwellings classified F or G being heated with fuel oil, while only 13% of properties using gas or wood belong to one of these two categories.
And the situation seems to be getting worse over time since, in 2018, the ONRE estimated the number of «strainer» residences at 4.8 million. The first part of the climate law therefore inaugurates a series of measures aimed, in the medium term, at drastically increasing the number of classified A or B dwellings, which represent only 5% of the stock today.
Owners renting G-class accommodation will have to quickly start work if they want to continue renting. Indeed, specifies the report, from January 1, 2023, it will be prohibited to rent accommodation consuming more than 450 kWh/m²/year annually, which is currently the case for 190,000 of them. The «Climate and Resilience» law is intended to be progressive because, in a second phase, from January 1, 2025, no G-rated accommodation can no longer be rented. On January 1, 2028, this will be the case for class F housing, and, in 2034, for those labeled E.
To avoid having to pay for renovation work, many owners decide to sell their property. Indeed, to date, only 6,300 landlords have applied for MaprimeRénov’ government aid, which is supposed to encourage owners to renovate. According to a survey conducted in April 2021 by Unpi, the national union of property owners, 13% intend to part with it. Worse, 16% intend to keep it as it is.