
The sun is finally back after a rainy spring. In Besançon, in the Doubs region, the city and doctors are launching a campaign to raise awareness about the dangers of the sun. “Juin jaune” is a local initiative for now.

Caps and hats are being distributed to primary school students, a screening day is being held in a community center, and posters with a humorous tone are being put up. The main message is this little phrase: “Wherever you are, beware of the sun!”

In Besançon, even though we are far from white sandy beaches, Juin jaune aims to raise public awareness about skin cancer caused by prolonged sun exposure, regardless of the time of year. Franche-Comté is a high-risk area because with the altitude, residents tend to forget the dangers of the sun.

Today, there are more UV rays in Haut-Doubs than in Australia.
Hervé Van Landuyt, dermatologist

According to the ASFODER network, Bourgogne-Franche-Comté is leading in the number of skin cancers in France. Other regions known for their mild or cool weather unfortunately have high rates of melanomas. Brittany records three times more cancers of this type than the national average.
Children, workers, women, young students, elderly people. We are all vulnerable to the sun, even though we all tend to forget it as soon as the blue sky appears. Some of us are more exposed. “Construction workers, farmers, landscapers, mountain workers, ski patrollers, all people who work outside,” explains Dr. Caroline Biver-Dalle, dermatologist, President of ASFODER, the Association of Dermatologists of Franche-Comté.
The dermatologist encourages each of us not to expose ourselves between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. when the UV rays are the strongest. “The goal is to live consciously in the sun by protecting ourselves simply. Let’s bring back hats, lightweight long-sleeved clothing, shade, the pleasure of being outside, but in the shade,” adds the doctor.
Every year, over 15,000 new cases are diagnosed in France. Cutaneous melanoma is even the most common cancer in terms of increasing frequency. In men, the number of incident cases of cutaneous melanoma has increased fivefold (+371%) between 1990 and 2018. In women, it has tripled (+189%) between 1990 and 2018.
“It is the only cancer that we see exploding at such a rate. It is surprising because it is the only one that is easy to avoid, especially in children,” emphasizes Hervé Van Lan Duyt, a dermatologist in Besançon.
In 2018, according to Santé Publique France, the number of deaths from skin melanoma was estimated at 1,135 in men and 840 in women.
Avoiding the sun during the hottest hours, using a quality sunscreen with SPF 50 protection to be reapplied every two hours, are some of our reflexes. But dermatologists insist that clothing, hats, are the best protection and are more effective than sunscreen. Fair skin is the most exposed to the risk of skin cancer. It is recommended to regularly inspect your skin, your back, take photos or have your partner look at your body. If you have any doubts about the evolution of a scab, a bump, do not hesitate to contact your general practitioner.
Know everything about Juin jaune and sun protection
The campaign is an initiative of the Besançon University Hospital in partnership with the City of Besançon, the Health Insurance of Doubs, ASEPT, A Fleur de Peau, FeMaSCo BFC, ASFODER, MSA, and the League against Cancer of Doubs.