In the suburban Lyubertsy the woman was taken to hospital after a fall at her from the height of the 12th floor of the garbage. In the incident already investigated by the investigators, reported by «Rosbalt» the senior assistant administrator of GSU SK of Russia across the region Olga Brady.
According to her, the investigators are going to get an explanation from the worker that dropped the debris. It is also planned to request documentation of a construction company for safety at work.
the Incident occurred on July 14, 2020, when the 38-year-old woman came out of the door of a house under construction. In the fall of the bag with debris, the injured suffered multiple fractures, including a spinal injury.
Recall that in early July in Moscow there was a similar case. Then on his head walking with the girl from the 23rd floor fell a garbage bag with a glass bottle.
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