It was after ten years of experience of groups in which Thibaud Vanhooland held the bass (Elephanz, Rhum for Pauline and Pegase), that the young man has decided to take to the skies solo.

His texts are melancholic are supported by an electro bouncy and melodic, on which he sometimes found the trumpet, the first instrument he has been learning, as a child. This big boy with tender and a little left at times reminiscent of the beginnings of Alain Souchon, for this false naivety footprint of severity. To reverse the pessimism ambient, Rogue injects freshness and good mood all the way through his first album, The Noise of the city, which will be released next month. We do this already extracts.

Rogue – «Winter Garden» (reprise of Henri Salvador) – to Watch on Figaro Live

Rogue – «Butterfly» (Live) – Watch on Figaro Live

Rogue – «Alone on his tandem (Live) – Watch on Figaro Live

Cicada 120 bd de Rochechouart (Xviii). Tel.: 01 49 25 89 99.
Hours: on April 10, 20-h. seating: 25,30 €.