Marion (Camille Chamoux) and Ben (Jonathan Cohen), thirty-somethings just met on Tinder, is decided very quickly, on the strength of the attraction that binds them together, to leave together on a trip. Despite the warnings of their loved ones, the couple flew to Bulgaria, a country they know as badly as they do still know one another.

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Named in the 2011 Victoires de la Musique for the realization of the clip of Non, non, non (listening to Barbara) of Camélia Jordana and rewarded with the Cannes Corporate Media & TV Awards in 2012 for his series The World without medicine , Patrick Cassir has not been unanimously for his first try at the cinema. Despite a love story that «begins where none would survive» ( Télérama ), The new yorker judge that there is «nothing to learn from the scenario» First Holiday . Scenario Cassir has co-written with Camille Chamoux, who is none other than his companion. the Voice of The North «don’t believe in it» and sees in this «yet another French comedy» nothing other than «city-dwellers supercool who do not have the same tastes». The scenario is inspired yet the experiences of the director. «We went on holiday together very quickly when we first met,» commented the actress at the microphone of RTL on the 28th of December, in full promotion of the film. «There was a lot engueulés and […] it happened to us a few episodes that are in the film».

is Little sensitive to the sense of humor «also unbalance that embarrassing» in the film, Obs curry a scenario that «doesn’t just rely on clichés, it is nourished to the point of nausea». «It is an understatement to say that [Bulgaria] who had asked nothing takes the dear,» said The new yorker . «Caricatures to the extreme» and dialogues «full of prejudice» against the inhabitants Bulgarian – that the director imagines as «thieves and obsessed with sex» (Daily Movies).

Bintily Diallo on LCI note the modernity of the dialogue and their humour. The valves fall at the right time. She also notes the beautiful interventions of the secondary characters, such as Camille Cottin or Vincent Dedienne. For Lorène of Susbièle, the salt of this «cute romantic comedy» is primarily due to this that it feels lived in.

critics agree on one point, the quality of the duo First Holiday . The couple works better than the film. Camille Chamoux is «an actress who has the sense of the comedy» when Jonathan Cohen is «charming and funny in a look that is deceptively smooth» ( the Voice of The North ). All the two form a duo that «spark, at least in the first part of the film,» according to Télérama . On their side, Jeremie Elkaim, and Camille Cottin are «hilarious» and «the apparitions of Vincent Dedienne are always fly,» after The Daily Cinema , a critic who sees in this comedy, a «small radius summer sun in a winter period».

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