«I will forward this!» «Can you send me that email asap?», «Ossd, I have not seen your call!»… The English borrowings, acronyms and shortcuts are all abuses of language that constitute this strange newspeak office. The ict is increasing («We share it»), the foreign swarm («Grosso merdo») and expressions of an unfathomable banality («It is Monday») begin to creep into our conversations daily.
At a turn in the hallway, in the elevator or in the middle of a meeting, why not profiterions we not in these moments of exchange to celebrate the richness of the French language? Le Figaro you come back in five adverbs to use to shine at the office.
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● Compendieusement
Impressive is the word, isn’t it? But do not doubt for a single moment, of its usefulness. As noted in the Treasury of the French language, to do something so «compendieuse» means «in summarizing the whole ; in short, but without omitting anything essential». This adverb is a synonym for «brief» or «briefly». So, imagine yourself in front of your employer who is seeking to understand the springs of a complicated case. «Let me explain to you compendieusement this matter», then can you suggest.
● Covertly
«Say, you wouldn’t have surreptitiously borrowed this book landed on my desk?», do you ask your work colleague. Perhaps will he be embarrassed to be caught hand in the bag? Maybe redécouvrira-t-he, at the same time, a nice adverb. Formed on subreptus , the past participle of subripere , «rob», and subrepere «creep under, surprise», The Treasury of the French language note that «surreptitiously» is what is done in secret, by stealth, clandestinely, or, soft.
● Promptly
Borrowed from the latin promptus «visible, manifest», the word means that which takes place «without delay, quickly». You have forgotten to send an important email to your boss. «I transfer to you this promptly», write to you then. The term contains the idea of something which is not only fast, but also, lively. An equivalent of presto.
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● Laconically
from The latin laconicus , «short, concise» express «laconically» is to say something «concisely and without the details». This adverb may be used to characterize a propos, the form it takes but also a text. Le Petit Robert also states that the term comes from the region of Greece located in the south-east of the Peloponnese, Laconia, whose inhabitants «were well-known for the conciseness of their language.»
● Révérencieusement
The Treasury of the French language note this definition: «That manifesto, which marks a great respect, reverence for someone or something». It should show the zeal to dare to write it but finally, let’s face it that this word is graceful. Perhaps it could be used as a salutation at the end of an email sent to a person whom we especially enjoyed the company: «I thank you for this nice breakfast. Révérencieusement,…».