The Louvre open on Tuesday, four months in advance, the bookings for the flagship exhibition on Leonardo da Vinci programmed from the 24 October for the 500th anniversary of the death of the great painter of the Renaissance. No ticket will be purchased on-site. «Because of the crowds expected, the exhibition will be accessible only on reservation of a time slot, to provide a more comfortable visit. This system applies to all visitors, including those with free access or free of charge at the museum», explained Monday the most visited museum in the world.

» READ ALSO – Rome, Paris, Chambord, Chantilly celebrate the 500th anniversary of the death of Leonardo da Vinci

reservations are made as early as Tuesday on in the 165 stores Fnac, as well as in supermarkets such as Carrefour and Intermarché.

This is not the first time that the Louvre has put in place the reservations. This had been the case for the exhibition Vermeer in 2018. But for Vinci, the reservations are open earlier. The museum wishes to avoid the cohues which does not allow appreciating the beauty of the paintings. Some 10.2 million visitors have flocked in 2018 under the Pyramid, before being dispatched in different wings of the huge museum. The presence of a crowd is difficult to manage, in spite of the orientation systems modernized.

Around a collection of five paintings and 22 drawings, the Louvre will bring together nearly 120 works of the tuscan master, between paintings, drawings, manuscripts, sculptures and objects of art from the most prestigious european and american institutions: the Royal Collection, British Museum, National Gallery London, art Gallery of the Vatican museums in Rome, the Metropolitan Museum of New York, Institute of France.

» READ ALSO – An expert of Leonardo da Vinci, denies having assigned the Salvator Mundi the Italian master

negotiations are underway for loans from Italian museums at the Louvre. The French museums are to lend their hand to the Italy of the paintings of Raphael for a major exhibition in 2020 in Rome. Italy showed last winter in susceptibility towards France about the many cultural events planned this year in france around Leonardo da Vinci. A native of Tuscany, the engineering has spent the last three years of his life in Touraine, at the invitation of François Ier.