
France is getting ready for the possible arrival of the H5N1 virus, which has its origins in birds. The virus has been spreading among dairy cows in the United States, causing French authorities to be on high alert. Even though the virus has been detected in 89 cattle herds in 12 American states since March 25, only three human cases have been confirmed by health authorities so far.

In response to this threat, France has ordered 665,000 doses of a vaccine for humans from the Seqirus laboratory, in partnership with fourteen European countries. Additionally, Moderna and Sanofi are developing messenger RNA vaccines to combat the virus.

While the avian flu currently poses a low risk to humans as transmission primarily occurs from animals, French authorities are closely monitoring the situation. Eric D’Ortenzio, the head of strategy for Emerging Infectious Diseases at ANRS, emphasized the need for vigilance during a press conference on June 13.

The Seqirus vaccine will soon be available in France and will be offered to farmers who are at higher risk of exposure to the virus. Two other vaccines are also in development to combat the potential threat posed by the H5N1 virus.

As the situation continues to evolve, it is crucial for authorities to remain proactive in their efforts to protect public health and prevent the spread of the virus. By staying vigilant and prepared, France is taking important steps to mitigate the potential impact of the H5N1 virus on both humans and animals.