To see

Zombie Child , fantasy Movie from Bertrand Bonello, 1h43.

Presented at the Quinzaine des réalisateurs in Cannes, Zombie Child has raised the enthusiasm of the spectators. This «small» film hits hard. The plot is two-fold: on the one hand, it follows the life of a young band of high school students moving on to the Paris part of the prestigious house education of the Legion of honor, the other, the unique destiny – and hardly believable – of Clairvius Narcisse, the victim of a spell, voodoo, which was transformed into a zombie at the beginning of the 1960s in Haiti. The intricacies are many between the two epochs may seem far-fetched and ill-advised. It is not the case. This film is perfect for the state of the malaise that each generation passes through during the passage from the state of childhood to adulthood. It is in this way that the Zombie Child is a singular success.

» READ ALSO – Zombie Child: any education!

Honeymoon , Comedy-drama Elise Otzenberger, 1h28

Anna and Adam, people to Paris, married and parents of a little boy, look to Poland, where their grandparents have known of the sad fate of millions of Jews during the Second world War. «That should be transmitted when one becomes self-same parent?», asks Elise Otzenberger without falling into the pitfall of pathos. The two main actors complement each other beautifully. Effective, without pretense. The image of this first feature-length film.

You can see

A haven , a Drama of Yona Rozenkier, 1 hour, 31 minutes

The images of war on the lebanese border are on all the tv screens. The radio will also talk about it all day. There are also bomb threats sent – electricity outages force – by… text message. Yoav, Itaï and Avishaï can be found in the kibbutz natal to attend the funeral of their father. «Continue without me,» advised the latter, in a letter posthumously. Born in 1981 in kibbutz Yehiam in northern Israel, Yona Rozenkier was first a farmer before getting a degree in cinema from the university of Tel-Aviv. A haven was an award winner at the film Festival of Jerusalem.

» READ ALSO – A haven of peace to face the worst

11 Times Fatima , a dramatic Comedy by Joao Conijo, 2: 33 hours.

Eleven Portuguese leave for the pilgrimage to Fatima. 400 km on foot does not wear out not only the shoes but the patience and the characters. To the difference of the pilgrimage to santiago de Compostela, more contemplative, that of Fatima, is a feat to accomplish in suffering and sacrifice. But it must be recognized filmmaker, former assistant to Manoel de Oliveira, the power and accuracy of observation, and a good mastery of the direction of actors.

Wakes , a Documentary by Léa Rinaldi, 89 min.

The young filmmaker is filming Ian Lipinski, 36 years of age, when he crossed the Atlantic alone. The preparation of the boat on arrival. Delivered to the elements, the marine shares his hopes, his anger, and discouragement.

To avoid

Men in Black: the International, Fantastic Film by F. Gary Gray, 1.55pm.

Seven years after the great Men in Black 3 by Barry Sonnenfeld, the disappointment is great. F. Gary Gray does what he can with a story without interest. Tessa Thompson and Chris Hemsworth form a tandem friendly, but nothing would do: one is bored. Also missed that Ghostbusters 3 !

Greta, a Drama from Neil Jordan, 1h38

Isabelle Huppert has fun like a little crazy to play the psychopath in New York. The viewer a little less. Odd things in a house? Run to see Parasite , the palme d’or Bong Joon-ho.