The controversy caused by the publication by Grasset of the novel by Yann Moix, Orléans , turns desperately to voyeurism. This is no longer the dirty linen is washed in the family, but simply the garbage that is spread on the public square. After the testimony of Alexandre Moix, the brother of the writer, accusing the latter of violence unheard, the grand-mother today takes the defence of the former columnist of «It is not lying». In an interview with Éric Naulleau for the show «Key not at my post», she accuses parents of wanting to destroy him and his career. Éric Naulleau which, need I remind you, was the first to say all the good he thought of the novel Orléans .

» READ ALSO – Business Moix: «When reality tv devours the book and its author»

«One day, my daughter called me and said: «anyway, we are going to demolish it». I found it, on the part of the parents, a bit abusive anyway. Even if there are preferences, you don’t have to get to this point. That’s going too far. Not only that, they destroy his career, but it is he himself that they are in the process of destroying,» says this lady of 92 years, of which we will not know the first name.

» READ ALSO – Yann Moix, the man by whom the scandal arrives

For her, the one who was «a lovely kid» and «cute» was «always belittled, humiliated» by his parents. «His parents, he must be honest, have never loved,» she says, moved. And in total contradiction with Alexandre Moix, who accuses his brother of having been his executioner. «His brother, being very small, and the embêtait all the time. It was always reversed. It took Yann by default, while it was Alexander who embêtait Yann. What I reproach is always a little bit to my daughter is that she listened too much to what Alexander told […] without seeking to understand. Then it was Yann who took it, and then Alexander laughed as sweet, to him. He rejoiced that his brother played. His father when he came home, it was the same, he did not ask what happened, it is always Yann, who took. This is something I’ve always struggled to bear it,» she continued.

» READ ALSO – Orléans by Yann Moix: capital of pain

The novel to the origin of this uproar of the media, which tells the story of how, as a child, Yann Moix took refuge in literature to escape the violence that he suffered at his parents, is the story of the birth of a writer. But the literature has lost the game for a long time in this case. The grandmother has not read the book of his grandson, the latter not wanting to «expose them to what there is of emotional in this book,» says yet Éric Naulleau, very much involved, apparently, in its role of vindicator.