In an interview with Le Parisien in which she does not spare the RATP, the boss of Ile-de-France Mobilités (IDFM) accuses the Régie of having «underestimated the problems it encounters on the metro». “In particular on lines 3, 4, 6, 8, 11, 12 and 13, the most degraded, with regularity rates below 91%”, she specified.
The president of the Ile-de-France region deplores the deterioration of the bond of trust with the RATP, which has been struggling since the start of the school year to ensure its bus offer with 25% of services not made in Paris and in the inner suburbs and «had assured that there would be no impact on the metro and everything was fine».
«It was wrong», she is indignant, describing a deterioration of the service «in unacceptable proportions».
She asks for a return to 100% of the pre-Covid offer on the metro – against 98% on average in theory – because Ile-de-France residents are back in transport but also «because of the lack of buses which leads to a postponement on the metro, works in Paris which mean that we can no longer drive, the cost of energy…».
Jean Castex, who will be heard this week by the National Assembly and then the Senate for his expected appointment, «will have to roll up his sleeves», warned Valérie Pécresse, calling on the former Prime Minister to exert all his political weight. with the government to obtain financing measures.
«With the Covid debt, inflation, doubling energy costs and new financing needs linked to new lines like those of the Grand Paris Express (…) we are facing a wall», he said. she estimated. IDFM must find 950 million euros to complete its 2023 budget and «the State does not give me any money».
The regional president, who asked the government to increase the mobility payment paid by companies or to lower the VAT on transport to 5.5%, has so far not been successful.
«I find it totally unfair and socially unbearable that travelers alone finance the enormous needs of 2023», regretted Valérie Pécresse, waving the threat of a Navigo pass at 100 euros.
«We can avoid it if the state finally responds to us, authorizes an increase in the mobility payment or gives us the tax revenue promised in 2020; in short, (if it) stops taking us around,» she insisted.