
A new study from researchers at the University of Otago in New Zealand suggests that engaging in small physical exercises in the evening, such as chair squats or calf raises, can help you gain an extra half an hour of sleep. This simple routine can lead to a better night’s sleep and potentially reduce the risk of diabetes and heart diseases. This is good news for the 40% of French people who struggle to fall asleep, according to a survey by Toluna Harris Interactive in 2023.

It’s important to note that while these light activities can be beneficial, excessive intense exercise may actually result in poor sleep quality. Dr. Jennifer Gale, the lead author of the study, explains that intense exercise can raise body temperature and heart rate, which can negatively impact sleep. She recommends brief low-intensity exercises every half an hour to avoid overstimulating the heart and maintaining internal temperature.

The study involved thirty participants who compared two four-hour evening scenarios: one where they remained seated and another where they engaged in short exercises every thirty minutes. By incorporating exercises like chair squats, calf raises, and hip extensions, participants observed an average increase of about half an hour in their sleep time.

In addition to the recommended exercises, researchers suggest that activities like walking around the house, marching in place, or doing household chores can have similar positive effects on sleep quality. Even dancing in your living room can be beneficial. The key is to avoid prolonged periods of inactivity, especially after a long day of sitting at work.

The goal of this study was to address concerns about intense exercise before bedtime and explore the impact of light physical activities throughout the evening. Further research is needed to confirm these findings and elucidate the biological mechanisms behind the observed benefits. In the meantime, incorporating simple exercises into your evening routine presents a great opportunity to enhance the quality of your sleep without making drastic changes to your lifestyle.