The justice of peru has ordered the demolition of the Four Points Sheraton hotel – belonging to the chain of hotels american Marriott International to Cuzco. According to the authorities, between 2012 and 2014, the construction site had led to the demolition without the permission of inca walls old of five centuries. In 2016, the authorities had imposed the stop-work, while the hotel was on the verge of being completed.

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The building «harms the harmony and the configuration pattern of the historic centre of Cusco,» said the judge Wilber Bustamante of the superior court of justice of Cuzco, quoted by the daily El Comercio. The top seven floors, the building depicted in this historic area classified as world heritage of humanity, where buildings must, in principle, be limited to two floors.

«irreversible Damage»

The judge also ordered the reconstruction of the inca walls destroyed during the construction work. But according to Carlos Somocursio, the chairman of the technical committee of the regional council of Cusco – which is expressed on the TV channel Peru -, «the damage is irreversible». In its defence, R&G, the CONSTRUCTION company in charge of the project, has made it known that it had all the required permits, including a building permit issued by the town hall.

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An argument rejected by the justice, who noted that a building permit that violates the standards of construction is not admissible. Following a decision of the ministry of Culture, the building company was fined 2.2 million dollars.

Passage to get to Machu Picchu, the ancient capital of the inca empire is one of the main tourist destinations of Peru.