In Rosobrnadzor estimated the chances of conducting a remote exam

Now there is no technology that would allow an objectively Unified state examination (use) in a remote format. This was stated by the head of the organization and carrying out state examination Rosobrnadzor Igor Kruglinski in the air of «Echo of Moscow».

According to him, the current rules of the exam allows to provide equal conditions for all pupils and objectivity of the results. The technology for the same objective examination of the «distance learning» today there is no stated Krupinski. «Unfortunately, it is impossible,» so assessed it the chances of proviene remote exam on the background of the spread of coronavirus.

earlier, the service reported that the exam on the Russian language will be held on 6 and 7 July, to reduce the number of people present in the points of the exam. July 10 will be held the exam for core mathematics, July 13th in history and physics. On July 16, assigned to social studies and chemistry, 20 July will take biology and the written part of the exam in foreign languages. On July 22 and 23 scheduled oral part of the exam in foreign languages. Reserve days scheduled for July 24 — for all subjects except Russian and foreign languages, and July 25 — for all academic subjects.

Minister of education Sergey Kravtsov said that the main wave of the exam will begin with a «mock exams» for the «settings» of the system in terms of coronavirus. A trial exam will be held on 29 and 30 June, with no pupils. They will be held for the organizers. In the explanation of the Ministry of education stipulates that participants in interagency meetings on the exam decided to conduct a preliminary trial exams without the participation of the students to check the readiness of the system for implementation of all recommendations of Rospotrebnadzor about the coronavirus. That is, the Ministry added, trial examinations are conducted by the organizers of IPelite club that cares only for testing technical and organizational issues.

to Apply for admission to the University this summer will be from June 20 to August 17, that is, before the exam.

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