In St. Petersburg died two medic

In St. Petersburg died two physicians, who worked in City hospital № 20. This at a press conference in «Interfax North-West» was told by the chief physician of the institution Tatiana Surovtseva.

«Today I have left the head of the lab. I am very sad to say this is a young doctor. And the young surgeon who operated on patients with coronavirus infection», — said the doctor.

She added that many doctors in the hospital had COVID-19 and returned, some who live directly in the hospital. Staff turnover in the institution no, concluded Surovtseva.

Earlier, data on the infection among physicians was voiced by the head of the interdepartmental working group on combating the spread of coronavirus in the city Evgeny Shlyakhto. According to him, in COVID-19 has infected more than 3 thousand urban doctors, eight people were killed.

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