In St. Petersburg Pulkovo airport faced two aircraft

On the runway at Pulkovo airport are unable to separate the two aircraft, which were sent to Irkutsk and Kaliningrad.

According to the source TASS, the planes collided at a tangent during taxiing in preparation for takeoff.

it is Noted that as a result of incident nobody has suffered, and the work of the air Harbor was not violated.

Passengers were taken off the aircraft, they will continue the trip to reserve the courts.

«June 14, at taxiing on the runway happened tangential collision of the aircraft flight Saint Petersburg — Irkutsk and St.-Petersburg — Kaliningrad», — said in the emergency services.

Eyewitnesses in social network Vkontakte say that the incident occurred with the liners of airline «Ural airlines» and S7.

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