In the German capital, a car rammed a group of pedestrians: seven wounded, one in intensive care

In the German capital there was a terrible accident — a man in a car drove onto the sidewalk and knocked down seven people. As reported in the Twitter of the fire Department of Berlin, three passers-by suffered serious injuries, one man in intensive care.

#Verkehrsunfall in #Charlottenburg

Am #Hardenbergplatz kam es zu einem schweren Verkehrsunfall, infolgedessen 5 Personen zum Teil schwer verletzt worden sind. Ein Rettungshubschrauber ist ebenfalls im Einsatz. Weitere Infos folgen…

— Berliner Feuerwehr (@Berliner_Fw) July 26, 2020

On the scene arrived two helicopters and about 60 rescuers.

police arrested the driver of the car, he also received injuries, reports channel RBB.

the Guards find out the causes of the incident. The version of the attack for political or religious reasons has not yet been confirmed.

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