In Moscow have defined several new stages of the removal of restrictions. This is stated in the Telegram channel of the Governor of the region Andrei Vorobyov. So, tomorrow resumes the full provision of public services, and from July 31 to earn the cinema, however, is with limitations. The Governor signed the corresponding decree. However, in the suburbs, remains the regime of self-isolation for those over 65 years and people in contact with the sick COVID-19. It is expected and mandatory social distance. In public places such as shops, still need to wear a mask. With regard to relief, then on July 24 in the region is resumed in normal mode, the provision of services in state institutions. In organizations for which there are guidelines of the CPS, canceled the mandatory standards. A little later, from July 31, resolved the cultural, leisure, entertainment, exhibition, entertainment events in facilities designed for no more than 3 thousand places. It is specifically provided that the occupancy of the premises should be not more than 50% of the maximum, and the activities must comply with social distance. Sporting events are permitted without restrictions, the maximum capacity of the room. From 1 August without the constraints of work water transport, educational organizations and bookmakers. On the same day will be allowed to operate independent of guides and guides. September 1 it’s planned ban on Smoking hookahs in restaurants.
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