This is the love of the music, musicians, literature that led to the birth of this festival is original and of high quality. A young pianist, Ingmar Lazar, who was now 25 years old, found the energy, beyond his life as a concert performer, to bring together virtuosos and ride this event warm.

Ingmar Lazar is so since 2016 the artistic director of the Festival of Noise who Think. It’s a nice name who said, with spirit, malice, the alliance of literature and music, the alliance of actors and musicians, the arts alliance. After his birth to Mesnuls, the meeting took place two seasons in a row at Port Royal des Champs, in a world of nature and culture is admirable.

This year, the festival closer to the public moved to Louveciennes. At the Hotel de Ville of the commune of the Yvelines, in the beautiful salle Camille Saint-Saëns, concerts, and readings will be assigned, from march 23.

The agenda of march 2019

the Association of The Noise which Thinks, which bears on this event, account, friends, important personalities, who support the initiative and are often involved in meetings: Ivry Gitlis, Jean-Claude Pennetier, Vladimir Spivakov, Éric Tanguy, Patrick Poivre d’arvor.

next Saturday, so 18: 00 , it is the Circle Cendras, which opens the festivities by readings of texts. Pages of Blaise Cendrars, of course, but also of Victor Hugo, Federico Garcia Lorca, Antonio Machado. Pages music accompany these pages of poetry, which enter into dialogue.

At 20: 30, Saturday 23 march , Ingmar Lazar on the scene with Jean-Claude Pennetier. The two pianists have put on the program Schubert. Piano recital solo and four hands. Pennetier has spent his life interpreting Schubert, composer of the absolute, for him. Ingmar Lazar has recently recorded for the disc, and the critic has done a very beautiful home with including one of the chronicles of the weekend to Anna Sigalevitch on France Inter . Superb on entry, this time with Schubert, with a facilitator-moderator, Alexandre Grandazzi.

» READ ALSO – The Symphony no. 8 of Schubert completed with the stroke of artificial intelligence

● The next day, Sunday, march 24, at 16: 00. , two virtuosos. The Austrian Benjamin Herzl, the violin and the Chinese Haiou Zhang, piano, with Charlotte Leport to the present. They will play Mozart, Beethoven, but also Gluck and Saint-Saens.

● The next appointment is fixed at Wednesday, 27 march at 15: 00. . The actress Fanny Gilles speaks to a young audience with «The Secret, a musical tale», that she wrote with Armand Amar.

Saturday, march 30, at 20: 30 pm , a beautiful recital for voice and piano with mezzo-soprano Laeticia Goepfert, the pianist Eric Artz. The beautiful singer was present last year and had subjugated the public. She returned with a wide repertoire from operetta to opera. Wonderful evening in perspective, with Karin Hervieu Causse for «moderate» and arias by Bizet, Rossini, Puccini, Strauss, Offenbach, Satie, Lehar, and up to Lopez…

● The next day, Sunday, 31 march, 16: 00 hrs , we will find Ingmar Lazar with the violinist Nicolas Dautricourt and cellist François Salque. A moderator, Christophe Gravereaux. You will hear a beautiful concert of chamber music: Kodaly, Popper, Liszt, Dvorak for a program that reflects a great passion for music and sharing.

● Festival of Noise who think 2019. Room Camille Saint-Saëns, Louveciennes (78).
From 23 to 31 march 2019.